Anne Greene,
Professor & Head of Part-Time Education School of Chemical & Biopharmaceutical Sciences, TU Dublin
Professor Anne Greene heads the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science Team (PRST) in Technological University Dublin, where she is a senior lecturer and has spearheaded the development of several MSc and BSc Pharmaceutical Programmes. She has supervised industry based executive students to PhD awards in areas of Quality Risk Management, Knowledge Management, Operational Excellence, and PQS. She is currently Head of Part-time Education in the School of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Sciences in TU Dublin.
Prior to embarking on an academic career, Anne worked at a senior level for several years in the pharmaceutical sector in Validation and Technical Management roles. Anne has a BSc and PhD in Chemistry from University College Dublin.
Anne was a founding member of the PDA Ireland Chapter, where she has held several Officer positions, and is currently a member of the PDA Ireland committee.